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Install NowCBSE Syllabus Class 11 Spanish – in PDF
CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 Spanish 2019-20 in PDF format for free download. Spanish syllabus for 2019 2020 class 11 is now available in myCBSEguide mobile app. The curriculum for March 2020 exams is designed by CBSE, New Delhi as per NCERT textbooks for the session 2019-20.
CBSE Syllabus for class 11 Spanish 2019-20
CBSE Syllabus Class 11 Spanish
One Paper Time: 3hours
Marks: 80 Marks
Section – A: Applied Grammar
(Based on the prescribed textbooks) (35)
- Revision of elementary grammatical categories like articles, nouns, pronouns (personal, demonstrative and interrogative), gender, number, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions of verbs, auxiliary verbs, possessive, prepositions etc.
- Revision of uses of present tense, <<Ser+adjetctivo>>, <<Estar+adjetivo>>,<<Gustar, molestar+infinitive>>,Preferir.
- Revision of uses of „SE‟ : <<Se+3rdpersonal singular>>.
- Verbs with prepositions : acostum brarsea, interes arsepor, pensaren, ira, acordarsede,etc.
- Verbal parafrasees: <<Empezar a+infinitive>>, <<seguir+gerundio>>, <<me parece/ resulta+adjetivo+infinitive>>, <<creo que/pienso que+presente de indicativa>>, <<me hace falta/lo que necesito es/me gustaria+infinitive>>, <<hace falta/es necesario/es importante/se necesita/hay que/lo que hay que hacer+infinitive>>, <<a lo mejor/quizá (s) + infinitive>>, <<Se puede + infinitive>>, <<Es posible+infinitive>>.
- Different forms of past tense (preteritoindefinido / imperfecto), including the perfect tense with the auxiliary verb ‘haber’.
- Imperative verbal mood – revision of Affirmative and negative commands.
- Direct and Indirect speech
- Use of Idiomatic expressions
- Future(Supongoque,<<creoque+futuro>>,<<seguroque+futuro>>) and Conditional tenses(<<yo en tulugar+conditional>>)
- Difference between the indicative mood and the subjunctive mood.
- Present Subjunctive mood (¡Qué + presente desubjuntivo!)
Section – B: Reading Comprehension (15)
Students will be expected to read and answer 3 to 4 simple questions from an unseen passage of about 150-200 words to be selected from the prescribed textbooks.
Section – C: Composition and Writing (15)
A short composition of about 200 words in Spanish based on a topic related to the life around.
Section – D: Literature/Culture in simple Prose&Poetry (15)
- Simple questions of famous works, authors, customs, festivals etc.related to the Spanish-speaking Countries based on the prescribed texts.
- The teacher is expected to make choices of texts from the prescribed textbook as per the general competence of the class.
- Learner is expected to perform recitation exercises and presentations on authors/poets with short prose and poetic text as part of the practical exercises.
- Additional choice of author may be added by the teacher in addition to the ones prescribed in Classes IX and X.
Note for the teacher: (Some recommendations)
- The above content should be presented and integrated in didactic materials and communicative activities (related to school environment) inside the classroom in such a way that the learner develops the following competencies:
Functional competencies:Describiralgo oalguien Narrarenpasado Hablar de acciones habituates en el presente y elpasado Hablar delfuturo Hablar de habitos ycostumbres Hacer hipótesis sobre elpresente Comparar situaciones entre el pasado y el presente Expresar grados de certeza respecto al futuro Expresaracuerdo ydesacuerd Dar consejos y recomendaciones de forma personal eimpersonal Expresar necesidad, deseo yfinalidad Expresar buenos deseos a otraspersonas Contarexperiencias Conceder permiso ydenegarlo - The following suggested lexicon to be integrated into materials and communicative activities in such a way that the student practice the target language in real context with special emphasis on the oral comprehension and oral expression: saludosy present aciones, adjetiv osdedescripción física y de carácter, profesiones, actividades de ocio, costumbres, informática, medios de prensa (Laradio, Laprensay Latele), eldeporte, lasdietasy Lasalud, restaurante, lamedicina, enfermedades y remedios, expresiones de deseo, recetas de cocina, alimentos,etc.
- Efforts should be made to provide socio-cultural information of Spanish-speaking countries: costumbres de los países hispánicos, el español en Internet, noticias de periódico, revistas, radio, lugares públicos e importantes y famosos en los países hispánicos, comidas típicas del mundohispánico (ingredientestípicos), autores importantesdelospaíseshispánicos, etc.
- The above-mentioned examples are suggestive in nature and the teacher depending on the needs of the students may improvise the same within the framework of the prescribed syllabus to facilitate the teaching and learning process.
Prescribed texts: relevant chapters may be referred to for use as per the prescribed syllabus.
- Aula international 3Textbook (CD + workbook) by Jaime Corpas et.al., Difusión, Madrid.
Reference Textbook:
- Collins Gem Spanish School Dictionary, Collins
- enacciónCursodeespañol2,(CD+workbook)by ElenaVerdia, MarisaGonzález, et.al., enClave
ELE - Compañeros 3 (CD+workbook) by Francísca Castro, et. al., SGEL.
Página web Centro Virtual Cervantes:
- “Mi mundo en palabras”,http://cvc.cervantes.es/ensenanza/mimundo/default.htm
- “Lecturas paso a paso”·http://cvc.cervantes.es/aula/lecturas/
Internal Assessment for Class
In consonance with the template suggested in classes IX-X, the following model is suggested. The weightage of internal assessment is 20 Marks and is divided into the following components:
- Periodic Tests (2 best out of 3 to be counted) – Total weightage 10 out of 20.
– Test to be based on grammar and reading comprehensions being taught. The effort should be to monitor the progress of the learner towards meeting the course aims and objectives. - Notebook submission–Total weightage 05 out of 20.
- Learners are expected to maintain notebook for class work and other home-based enrichment exercises.
- Assessment may be done on the basis of regularity on:
– assignment completion
– neatness and upkeep of notebook - Teacher is expected to provide regular feedback to the learners and identify learner’s strengths and weakness.
- Subject enrichment activity – Total weightage 05 out of 20.
- The teacher should assess learners on the skills of language learning namely, listening and speaking. The assessment should be done on 20 marks, 10 marks each for listening and speaking. The overall weightage of this activity is 25%.
- Two out of three tests shall be counted. The teacher should assess the learner’s ability to communicate and use the basic structure of the language with appropriate vocabulary. The teacher should also ensure that the interactive skills are assessed at each stage.
Comprehension and Weightage | Suggested activities |
(i) Listening | Listening to narrations and handling exercises such as True/False, MCQ, gap-filling, and SQPs. |
(ii) Speaking | Conversation and dialogues, presentation on an unseen visual/verbal stimulus (within the prescribed syllabus and relevant to Spanish – speaking language and culture), spontaneous question answers, recitation and narration. |
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