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CBSE Class 10 Board Result 2021

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As per the schedule issued by CBSE vide notification on 1st May 2021, the class 10 result was expected on 20th June 2021. But now, CBSE has revised the schedule and the circular issued on 18th May 2021 clarifies that the last date to submit marks has been extended till 30th June 2021.

It means CBSE will NOT declare the result on 20th June 2021. Now class 10 students should expect the result in the first half of July 2021.

CBSE class 10 Result 2021

Assessment Process

The evidence towards the performance of the student in the internal tests/exams conducted by the school should be documented student-wise and maintained in a secure manner. These documents may be called upon for subsequent verification as per the instructions of the Board

As per the information collected from the schools through Regional Offices of CBSE, schools have conducted different types and number of tests/exams. Broadly, the following exams/tests are common and will be used for school-based assessment and the weightage in terms of maximum marks for schools who have conducted the above tests/exams is given below

Weightage of Marks 

(a) Periodic Test/ Unit Test10 Marks
(b) Half Yearly/Mid-Term Examinations30 Marks
(c) Pre-Board Examinations40 Marks
Sub-Total80 Marks
Internal Assessment20 Marks
Grand Total100 Marks

In case schools have conducted more than one test/exam, within each category, the Result Committee may fix the weightage to be given to each test/exam within the category subject to the overall maximum marks for that category. For example, if a school has conducted two or three pre-board exams it may decide to take an average of the three exams, take the best performance in the three tests or give a weightage to each exam as considered suitable.

There are some schools where one or more of the above three categories of tests/exams have not been conducted. Further, there may be differences in terms of the mode of conduct of examination i.e., Online/Offline. Also, it is possible that some of the students may not have appeared in any or some of the examinations conducted by the schools.

In all the above cases, Result Committee constituted by the School will have to address these challenges based on the analysis and study of the situation prevailing in the school and thereafter draw up a criterion for the assessment of 80 marks. The aim should be to cover as broad a range of assessment objectives as possible.

Candidate not appeared in any assessment 

If any candidate has not appeared in any of the assessments conducted by the school, the school may conduct an offline-online or a telephonic one-to-one assessment and record documentary evidence to certify the recommendations. The student may be assessed objectively on that basis by the school out of maximum marks of each subject

Candidates with Benchmark Disabilities 

If any student with benchmark disability has not appeared in any of thassessments conducted by the school, the school may consider other activities such as Portfolio, Presentations, Project, Quiz, Oral Test, etc. donby such candidates during the session for assessment in place of offline/online assessment and record documentary evidence in such cases.

Result of More Than 5 Subjects 

In case, a student has offered different subjects other than the 5 major onesi.e. painting, music etc. or offered more than 05 subjects, then mean marks of the best 03 subjects out of maximum allotted marks after conversion (in case maximum marks are other than 80) may be awarded in these subjects. While calculating marks, maximum marks being allotted to the subject be kept in mind.

Grace Marks by CBSE 

CBSE will compute the result based on uploaded theory and internal assessment marks. At the time of computation of result, Boards policy of awarding grace marks will also be applied to those candidates who do not meet the qualifying criterion

Boards Policy for Qualifying ClassX Examination 

In case after application of grace marks policy by the Board, any student is not able to meet the qualifying criterion, he/she will be placed in the Essential Repeator “CompartmentCategory

Conduct of Compartment Examinations 

After the declaration of the result, the school will conduct an objective type offline/online compartment examination based on the Sample Question papers provided by CBSE. After the assessment, the school will upload the marks on CBSE Portal for declaration of result

Permission to Continue in ClassXI 

In case, the student is not able to meet the qualifying criterion, she/he may be allowed to continue in Class XI till the declaration of the result of the compartment examination by CBSE

The policy of Verification of Marks/Providing Photocopy of Answer Book/ Reevaluation 

As assessment has been done by the schools and the answer books have been shown/handed over to the students by the school, the process of verification of marks, providing photocopy and reevaluation scheme will not be applicable for Session 20202021

Mathematics (Basic) in ClassX Vs Mathematics in Class-XI 

In continuation to the Circular No.Coord/Printing/2020 dated 06.08.2020 available here, the exemption has again been extended to permit Mathematics (01) in Class XI, if a student has offered Mathematics Basic (241) in Class X. All other conditions as stipulated in above said circular will remain the same 

Stream in ClassXI 

As per the scheme of studies of the Board, students are allowed to offer any combination of subjects without any streaming, hence, schools should also follow the same

Policy for Private/Patrachar/2nd chance Compartment etc

For private, patrachar and 2nd chance Compartment candidates, a separate scheme for assessment will be announced soon.

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