Other Useful Resourses
We have Maths Olympiad sample papers, mock tests and practice questions for class 3 students. It includes both general maths and logical reasoning questions. If you are preparing for any maths olympiad or want some higher level practice questions, you must try maths olympiad questions.
Class 3 Maths Olympiad Mock Tests
We have added class 3 online mock tests for the olympiads. You can access them on the myCBSEguide app or on our student dashboard. You will find 11 mock tests there. Each class 3 maths olympiad mock test has 30 questions. There you will find 20 questions from general mathematics and the rest 10 questions from logical reasoning and mental ability.
General Mathematics
- Number Systems
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Fractions
- Geometry
- Measurement
- Time and Calendar
- Money
- Data Handling
Logical Reasoning and Mental Ability
- Pattern
- Analogy
- Classification
- Days and Dates
- Alphabet Test
- Coding-Decoding
- Ranking Test
- Figure Matrix
- Embedded Figures
- Mirror Images
Class 3 Maths Olympiad Practice Questions
We have maths olympiad practice questions in two formats i.e.Chapter-wise Online Tests and Chapter-wise Practice MCQs. Here, you will get 10 questions in each chapter test and there are around 4-5 such tests in each chapter. Same way, you will get hundreds of questions in each chapter to practice one by one.
Verbal Reasoning
The class 3 maths olympiad has both verbal and non-verbal reasoning questions. Verbal reasoning has questions on mathematical reasoning questions in text format. These situation-based reasoning questions certainly enhance the analytical reasoning skills of the student.
Non-Verbal Reasoning
On the other hand, non-verbal reasoning has mostly image-based questions. Such questions are comparatively easy to understand but difficult to solve. These non-verbal reason questions are not only important for olympiad exams but also many school entrance exams give such questions in their admission tests.